Sunday, 5 November 2017

Summery of the definitions of creativity in a post-modern age

Technology is very important in media and what we create. Before making are trailer as a final product and before doing media as a course we were using are phones to take videos and pictures and we are very dependent on it. Without digital we wouldn’t be able to make a trailer, do wide research for it, shoot it, and edit it. Before technology came what people could do creatively can be seen as limited compared to now.

Intertextuality in media is, taking things and ideas from one thing or text and putting them in another text. It is taking influence. For example in my media trailer will have a mask and knife and a lot of blood. It is mostly taking inspiration from the film Friday the 13th. However we will be taking the mask and making it slightly different with are own version, by cutting it in half and having a wound on the other side of the antagonist face. Bently has a quote that says “the making of the new and rearranging of the old”. I take this to suggest that creativity can be in different forms and that rearranging something that’s already been made and used can still represent being creative.

No originality in relation to creativity suggest that everything has been made before or that a new ideas are based of already made ones. An example of this for me is when I was making my music magazine for the double page spread I copied the layout from an article in Q magazine. I did this to make my magazine look professional and to hopefully look like a real music magazine. However in my opinion despite being copied from an existing magazine, what I have made is still original as the images used were ones I took and so was the article that I had written.  Therefore, meaning that even though you can have no originality if you change some of the context it’s still creative as you are making it into something new.

The act of production itself is creative because it is bringing something new into existence. Post modernism is about how all media is different and can be judged differently buy different people depending on who is the audience. The use of culture and social status can show the difference in creativity and how different people view and respond to it. As I live in London I have access to a lot more places than someone who lives in Wales and is surrounded by fields. Therefore, when making a horror trailer I have the ability to go to a lot more abandoned buildings, and decaying areas which are typical in horror films. Therefore, there can’t be the same judgment as the other person who also only has access to what surrounds them. Despite them both being differently creative.

Before starting media I was an audience to media texts, however I have become a producer. This is because of my summer media trailer that was uploaded to YouTube meaning it can be seen by anyone. I have developed with the use of technology and research. When I first started media I had made a simple college magazine where I hadn’t layered anything and had used simple rectangle blocks around the title. Whereas with my music magazine I was able to use photoshop and was able to adjust the colours and textures and add other filters over the top.

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